What is the Swiss Data Cube?

Our vision

The Swiss Data Cube (operated by the University of Geneva and the United Nations Environment Programme/GRID-Geneva together with the University of Zurich and the Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research – WSL) is aiming at providing a routine, reliable and operational service, using Earth Observations (EO) to deliver decision-ready products enabling policy makers, scientists, the private sector and civil society to address social, environmental and economic changes at the national scale and develop an ecosystem for innovation across sectors.

Our mission

The Swiss Data Cube will process openly accessible and freely available data to produce decision-ready products. Working closely with different stakeholders’ communities (administrations, industry, scientists…), the Swiss Data Cube will be responsive to the information needs, challenges, and priorities of the Swiss institutions. It will ultimately leverage and build on existing capacity to enable the use of EO data to address key challenges across the country.

Value proposition

The Swiss Data Cube (SDC) will deliver a unique capability to track changes across Switzerland to process, interrogate, and present Earth observation data in response to environmental issues of Switzerland. This near real-time information can be readily used as an evidence base for the design, implementation, and evaluation of national policies. It will also support innovation and growth in the digital economy; improve the management of natural resources; and improve efficiency and effectiveness of government investments.

The Swiss Data Cube in numbers
