Open Data Cube Initiative & SDC

The Swiss Data Cube project leader has been interview by CEOS on the benefits of Earth Observations and data cube technology with a Swiss perspective. The following video presents the Open Data Cube Initiative and various on-going implementation in Switzerland and Colombia following the work done by Digital Earth Australia: You can also have …

Swiss Data Cube Hackathon on SDGs

We are pleased to invite you to join us for a hackathon organised by the Swiss Data Cube team on Sustainable Development Goals. This event is jointly organised by UN Environment/GRID-Geneva and the University of Geneva/enviroSPACE with the support of NASA/CEOS. Registration: please register to the event by filling the following form: More information on the …

Sentinel-2 available in the Swiss Data Cube

Our team has successfully pre-processed and ingested the entire Sentinel-2 A/B archive for Switzerland. This corresponds to approximately 2400 images at 10m resolution covering the entire country for the last 2.5 years. Now, more than 2TB of Sentinel-2 Analysis Ready Data are available in the Swiss Data Cube and complement the already available 33 years …

First Sentinel-2 Snow Cover Map of Switzerland

Today, we have executed the Snow Observations from Space (SOfS) algorithm that our team is currently developing on the newly ingested Sentinel-2 Analysis Ready Data. The result is the first Sentinel-2 Snow Cover Map of Switzerland. This allows to identify different areas ranging from no snow cover to permanent snow cover during the period April-August …

Poster – Landsat 8 Cloud-free Mosaic of Switzerland [2016]

Today we are releasing the first product generated by the Swiss Data Cube. It is an A1 format poster of the Landsat 8 cloud-free mosaic of Switzerland for the year 2016. The image is a True Color mosaic using a median value for each pixel. The final resolution of the mosaic is 30 meters. The poster …

First scientific publication on the Swiss Data Cube

We are happy to announce that our scientific paper entitled “Building an Earth Observations Data Cube: lessons learned from the Swiss Data Cube (SDC) on generating Analysis Ready Data (ARD)” has been published today in the inaugural issue of Big Earth Data journal. You can find the article at: Citation: Giuliani G., Chatenoux B., De Bono …

Urbanization – Basel 2000/2016

The Basel Region (North-western Switzerland) is an economically active region of Switzerland and urbanisation is changing rapidly the landscape of this area. We run the Urbanization algorithm to compare year 2000 and 2016 using Landsat 7 data. We can clearly see important changes in a short period of time over several parts of the region.

First cloud-free mosaic for the entire Switzerland Landsat 8, year 2016

Today, we’ve been able to generate our first cloud-free Landsat 8 mosaic for the entire Switzerland for the year 2016. On our single test server it tooks about 4.5h hours of computation (Scene Count: 184; Pixel Count: 139’733’863) to generate the mosaic. Here is the result loaded in the web UI: And here is the final …